iTAX Tax Co.
Certified Public Tax Account Firm

Corporate / Individual Accounting and Tax Filing
We are providing all the services on domestic tax matters, including keeping accounting books, preparation for tax filing, tax audit support. We are also providing consultation on management of business.

Transfer Pricing and International Tax
We provide support for dealing with transfer pricing taxation including transfer pricing documentation. We are also providing assistance on international taxation matters including CFC regime, cross-border transactions or investment.

Holistic International Taxation
We provide advice on a wide range of international tax issues, including tax investigation support for overseas transactions, tax haven countermeasures, foreign tax credits, withholding income tax on international transactions, and tax issues for oversea dispatched employees. We are able to cover the most complexed issues by assigning ex-National Tax Agency staffs to all cases.

Inheritance and Gift Tax
We provide wide range of consultation services on business/asset succession and inheritance tax. Our experts with rich experiences in National Tax Agency helps you to relieve your concerns on wide range of issues regarding succession and inheritance, covering business aspects as well as taxation.

Translation of Documents
We provide translation services between Japanese, English, Chinese, Indonesian and Arabic. An experienced tax affairs check the contents. We can provide native check upon request.