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iTAX Tax Co.
Certified Public Tax Account Firm
Top> International Contribution> Publications, etc.
International contribution publications, etc.
"Hide and Seek (Following International Tax Avoidance)"
May 2017, by Toshiyuki Fushimi, Okura Zaimu Kyokai
(Attach a leaflet separately)
"Basic knowledge of Asian tax (Japanese companies contributing in Asia)" May 2016, co-authored by Toshiyuki Fushimi and others, Tax Study Group
"Basic Knowledge of Chinese Tax" 2009/2013, Tax Study Group, Toshiyuki Fushimi and Yanghua
"Chinese Tax Walkway" 2010 serialization column, Okura Zaimu Kyokai "Weekly Tax Sign", Kang Li, Yang Hua, Xinxin Ma
"Japan-China transfer price tax system" 2005, Tax Study Group, Toshiyuki Fushimi, co-authored
"Latest Chinese Tax Guide" 1997, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Toshiyuki Fushimi, Li Chiang, Ning Eshin, won the 6th Tax Museum Award (1997)
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